NordVPN Releases Standalone App for Linux


NordVPN has just released an app for Linux. It's actually a proper standalone app which you can install and simply use. Before you could only setup OpenVPN connection via Linux’s Network Manager app. Each time you wanted to connect to a VPN server, so the dedicated app makes everything much easier.

NordVPN apps are currently available on all major platform including Windows, macOS, Android and iOS devices. Besides these typical ones, they are also compatible with Android TVs, Windows Phones, RaspberryPi, routers, and Linux.

Even before the recent release, the NordVPN worked on Linux, but it didn't have a proper app. So you needed to set up the VPN connection manually every time. That was really time-consuming and required a lot of manual steps.

NordVPN App on Linux

NordVPN App on Linux

That's luckily changing with a standalone app developed specifically for Linux OS. Although it's still missing some of the features compared to other platforms it's fully functional and does its main job (e.g. protecting you as a user). Missing features should be added with upcoming releases.

How to Install NordVPN on Linux

Follow the steps below to install the NordVPN on Linux.

  1. Get the NordVPN repo setup .deb package
  2. Install the NordVPN repository by opening the terminal and run the following command:
    sudo apt-get install {/path/to/}nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb
  3. Update the apt-get package list:
    sudo apt-get update
  4. Install NordVPN:
    sudo apt-get install nordvpn
  5. Run the app and login to your NordVPN account
    nordvpn login
  6. Connect to NordVPN server and you are set!
    nordvpn connect

NordVPN Linux App Commands

Command Description
login Logs the user in
connect / c Connects the user to NordVPN
disconnect / d Disconnects the user from NordVPN
set / s Sets a configuration option
settings Lists the current settings
status Shows your connection status
refresh Refreshes the server list
Countries Displays the country list
logout Logs the user out of their NordVPN
help / h Shows a list of commands (like how to turn on CyberSec) or help for one specified command

About NordVPN

NordVPN is our #1 most recommended VPN solution. Scoring 96% in our independent review. It offers advanced features, a wide variety of servers and reliable no-log policy. With our special discount coupon, you can have it for only $2.75 per month.


About Author

Craig is a big supporter and believer in freedom on the Internet and that's why he is so interested in VPN products. He doesn't have a favorite VPN vendor, because he keeps constantly switching and testing them. Craig's favorite VPN server location is Bhutan.

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